Sunday, March 20, 2016

Pasta Ala Filipina

Pasta ala Filipina is my own pasta concuction. Pasta is an italian dish recreated for Filipino Taste.


  • 375 grams Spiral pasta
  • 500 grams of tomato sauce
  •  1/4 kilo hotdog\
  •   1/4 kilo ground por
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 onions 
  • 1/4   butter
  •   1/4 bar cheese ( regular size)
  •  2 tablespoons Salt
  • ground pepper
  • parsley dry


  1. Cook pasta as per instrution indicated in the pack. Once cooked.. drain and put butter to prevent from sticking from each other. SET ASIDE 
  2.  Saute minced garlic, chopped onions, followed by ground pork ( mix until oil extract from tje groumd pork starts to come out) add sliced hotdogs.. mix and let it stand for 2 minutes. 
  3. pour in the tomato sauce, a dash of salet and groumd peper.. mix well until it starts to boil. 
  4.  put chopped cheese to taste mix until sauce reaches to its sticky texture ( or as desired) Mix sauce to pasta or put sauce on top of the pasta then put a dash of parsely

    Good for 4 to 5 servings.



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