Saturday, March 5, 2016

Chicken Adobo

Chicken adobo Chicken simmered with vinegar, soy sauce, and spices.. topped with chopped potatos. (This chicken adobo with potatoes is a tagalog version of adobo).

  • 1 whole chicken, cut into pieces as you like
  • 4 or 5 pieces garlic, flattened and skin off
  • 10 pieces or more black peppercorns, left as whole
  • 1 spoonful white malt vinegar, to be added last
  • 7 or 8 pieces cut into half potatoes
  • a cup of dark or light soy sauce
  • 5 or 6 cups water, or add more if not enough
  • 2 spoonful vegetable or olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon or as you like salt

How To Make

  1. Place cut chicken on the wok, minced garlic, crushed black pepper, laurel leaves, soy sauce, a dash of salt, vinegar, brown sugar, mix well using bare hands (massaging chicken meat) to blend all ingredients. Bring to boil uncovered..
  2.  when it starts to boil, let it stand simmering for several minutes ( to let vinegar evaporate its acid) before u mix using a wooden laddle.
  3.  Then cover and simmer until chicken is cooked the put potato cuts and simmer until its cook) constant mixing is neccessary to create better sauce.
  4.  Once everything is cooked..continue to mix until oil extract is out. And its done. Good for 7 to 8 servings.

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